Friday, July 18, 2008

Blog and me !!


A lot of my friends asked me why did i start blogging when i sent the link to them................and the answer was........for fun and sharing my thoughts ! And now i find it is not so much fun as i have been trying to think of what to write about and couldn't choose a topic which interested me and i could elaborate more again an impromptu blog........

This week went by real fast.....and left so much unfinished. But weekends are always welcome.

I have been doing a lot of reading lately and one book i have been recommending a lot is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This book has been a source of motivation to me and has reinforced my belief about Positive attitude doing wonders with one's approach towards life. 

Tomorrow i will be meeting my kids at the Children Centre where i teach them computer skills once a month after a long break and i am looking forward to that. Their enthusiasm is very infectious and despite the kind of life they are born with and live daily they are always smiling. Sometimes their happiness brings tears in my eyes because we complain about small things without showing gratitude for all we have and here they are without so many things but still happy.

Some are really interested in learning computer skills but others come in because they are pushed by the Centre staff. And it is really difficult to avoid focusing only on those who are listening to us and following instructions. I can now fully understand what a teacher goes through during the classes they teach........and make it interesting for all at the same time.

In one of my last classes i remember, i allowed two girls leave half an hour early because all they wanted to do was listen to music and play with paint brush though we were working on MS Power Point....:-(

Tomorrow is my July class and I will write more after my class. We are supposed to get them to practice MS Excel. More tomorrow.........

Cheers & Have a great weekend !

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Forget IQ and EQ now they want to test your HQ

Hi There,

If you have not been able to make out what is a HQ - then its Happiness Quotient !! And we have Happiness Scientists
conducting surveys to find whys and hows of state of happiness......Is happiness soon going to be an extinct quality
that we need this breed of scientists to spend time, energy and money to find what any middle class family in high growth or 
growing market can specify without any research.............. OR am i wrong??

Here is an article from TOI, Indian newspaper on the same subject.................

More later......

Cheers !!

Monday, July 14, 2008

'World's oldest blogger dies in Australia' news item made me register and start blogging?


Saw the news item 'World's oldest blogger dies in Australia'..............and it made me go to her blog and read her thoughts. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. Being far away from my family I was nostalgic about my childhood, found this a very good medium to say my thoughts loud and make new friends. Today being my first blogging attempt, it might sound very heavy on emotions..:-)

Miles away from my son, i miss his antics and love though i try to keep myself in control when i meet him and not show my emotions. 

Being far away from your home country makes you think and analyze life+family in a way you have never done before.

And if you are a person like me who to my own thinking is an anti-social animal then it happens all the more............

But i am trying to loosen up myself and get into self-development activities like trying to join dance classes, join some professional networking group and travel to neighboring places of interest on my own........But it will help me only when i get down to actually do it..........

Take care,
