Monday, July 14, 2008

'World's oldest blogger dies in Australia' news item made me register and start blogging?


Saw the news item 'World's oldest blogger dies in Australia'..............and it made me go to her blog and read her thoughts. And I thoroughly enjoyed it. Being far away from my family I was nostalgic about my childhood, found this a very good medium to say my thoughts loud and make new friends. Today being my first blogging attempt, it might sound very heavy on emotions..:-)

Miles away from my son, i miss his antics and love though i try to keep myself in control when i meet him and not show my emotions. 

Being far away from your home country makes you think and analyze life+family in a way you have never done before.

And if you are a person like me who to my own thinking is an anti-social animal then it happens all the more............

But i am trying to loosen up myself and get into self-development activities like trying to join dance classes, join some professional networking group and travel to neighboring places of interest on my own........But it will help me only when i get down to actually do it..........

Take care,



Anonymous said...

Life is full of surprises along with Ups & Downs but one should continue moving forward like a river. Unless you do not have the courage to loose the sight of the shore How will you explore the wealth? So one must go on with its life path---ecidpak

Sunshine said...

I finally found my way here! Thanks to you, I've revived my blog, but still have to get some meat in :)

Sunshine said...

Hey Shalini

What happened to your blogging? Tired already?
